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How to Strengthen Hamstrings: Movements to Get Hamstrings Strong & Powerful

The hamstrings are a large and powerful muscle group. The importance of building up hamstring strength can help with running, cutting, change of direction, etc.

They are also very important to athlete durability and resiliency. The hamstring is a common area to be strained when performing powerful and explosive movements.

A great way to get the hamstrings strong and resilient is to do exercises that strengthen them.

Here are some of our “go-to” hamstring strengthening exercises and drills.

Glute Ham Raise (GHR) Iso Holds

Key Points:

  • Maintain shoulders stacked over hips and knees

  • Make sure feet are securely fixed in foot rests

  • Slowly lower your body while maintaining starting position and hold.

  • Perform for 3-5 seconds x 5 reps

    Glute Ham Raise

Key Points:

  • Maintain shoulders stacked over hips and knees.

  • Should be able to perform GHR Iso Hold prior to performing this movement.

  • Slowly controlled body being lowered.

  • When coming back up, maintained stacked position and don’t arch low back.

90/90 Hip Lift with Kettlebell Pullover

Key Points:

  • Typically a drill for hip flexor mobility, this can be great for activating the hamstrings to assist with hip extension.

  • Maintain straight line from shoulders to hips and knees.

Single Leg Deadlifts/Single Leg Hip Thrusts Against Chains


If you have been struggling with improving your hamstring strength, try giving these exercises and movements a try!

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Andrew Millett
Andrew Millett
Post by Andrew Millett
October 7, 2020



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