1 Quick Tip To Improve Overhead Shoulder Mobility
Written By: Andrew Millett
Overhead shoulder mobility is important for pretty much everyone. Whether it is the overhead athlete who repeatedly goes overhead for their respective sport or the weekend warrior who likes to go to the gym and lift, having sufficient mobility is important for performance as well as overall health.
In this blog, we provide one important tip to improve overhead shoulder mobility.

Lifting overhead.
There are various reasons why someone may lose overhead shoulder mobility. One quick and easy way to test and see if you can comfortably get your arms overhead is the Supine Shoulder Flexion Test.
Supine Shoulder Flexion Test
Key Points:
Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Maintain contact between your low back and the ground.
Bring your arms overhead.
Normal: Your arms should comfortably rest on the ground.
Not Normal: There is pain, pinching, and/or you can’t rest your arms on the ground.
One drill we like to use with our athletes and clients to help improve overhead shoulder mobility is the Supine AROM Shoulder Flexion with Tspine Pknot.
Supine AROM Shoulder Flexion with Tspine Pknot.
Key Points:
Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Tape 2 tennis balls together and place your spine in the space between both.
Grasp a dowel with a 2.5lb-5lb plate on it and slowly bring your arms overhead.
Perform for 3 sets x 5 reps.
Some discomfort in the upper back is normal, but if you are performing this and there is pain in the shoulder or tightness on the top of the shoulder, seek out a licensed medical professional.
Closing Out: Improving Your Overhead Shoulder Mobility
If you are dealing with stubborn shoulder mobility issues when trying to go overhead, give the Supine AROM Shoulder Flexion with Tspine Pknot a try!
If you have any additional questions on how to improve overhead shoulder mobility, our physical therapy team is always here to help. Click HERE to take that first step to get back to improving your overhead mobility.

January 25, 2022