Pinching in Your Ankle When you squat? 3 Ways to Improve It
The ankle is a very important but underappreciated joint in the lower body. Limitations in ankle mobility and control can affect the mid-foot as well as the knee, hip, and even the low back. Oftentimes, athletes and clients will continue to perform self-myofascial release to their calf and the muscles on the back of their lower leg, trying to improve their ankle mobility.
These 2 techniques can be great options to address soft tissue limitations that could limit ankle mobility.
But, sometimes, athletes or clients can feel a “pinch” in the front of their ankle when performing ankle mobility drills. They can check their ankle mobility with the Knee to Wall Test or when squatting, etc.
When you feel a pinching sensation in the front of the ankle while squatting, it is typically not due to soft tissue limitations in the posterior aspect of the lower leg.
More often than not, it can be due to a joint mobility limitation, specifically at the ankle itself.
*Disclaimer*: If you are dealing with an injury or are not having an improvement in your symptoms, seek out a licensed medical professional.
If you are dealing with a pinch in the front of the ankle, here are 3 quick and easy ways to improve mobility and avoid pain in your ankle when squatting.
1. Banded Ankle Mobilizations
This technique is one of the more common ways to improve ankle mobility and reduce pain. It involves attaching a super band to a stable object and then placing the other end around your ankle, just below the medial and lateral malleoli (bones on the inside and outside of your lower leg).
Place moderate tension through the band and assume a half kneeling position. Then, bring your knee over your toes while keeping your foot on the ground. The band is helping to desensitize the stiffness at the joint and to help improve the ankle’s ability to absorb load and move through an active range of motion.
Perform 8-10 reps for a 3-5 sec hold at the end position.
2. Self Ankle Mobilization
Similar to the previous option of using a band, you can also use your hand to help facilitate an improved range of motion at the ankle by applying force through the ankle.
Place the web of one of your hands below both lateral and medial malleoli. Apply a force directly back towards you through the ankle. Maintain this pressure and then move the knee over the ankle.
If this improves the pinching in your ankle and/or improves your mobility, then this may be a better option than using a band. Perform for 8-10 reps for a 2-3 second hold.
3. Self Tibial IR Mobilization
This next option is a little bit further away from the ankle, but I have seen it help people who experience pinching or pain in the front of the ankle during squats when their knee travels over their toes.
It is called a Self Tibial Internal Rotation (IR) mobilization.
Firmly grasp the upper portion of your tibia just below the knee. Rotate your lower leg in towards the midline and then actively bring your knee over your toes. Perform 8-10 reps for a 2-3 second hold.
*Be cautious not to allow the knee to go inside the ankle when performing this. Sometimes this can create irritation in the knee. Make sure to rotate at the tibia/shin and not allow the knee to go inside the ankle. If you experience knee pain with this, do not perform.
If this improves your range of motion and/or the pinch in the front of your ankle, this may be a better option than the aforementioned methods.
Wrapping Up: Pinching In Your Ankle While Squatting
When it comes to reducing pinching in the ankle, all of these options all work. People always ask what these different "treatments" or exercises do, and different people say that different things are happening. The point here is that all of these various methods are putting you and your body in a better position to move and take the stress off of the ankle joint and avoid pain.
If you are experiencing a pinching in the front of your ankle and self-myofascial release hasn't been working, try:
Banded Ankle Mobilizations
Self Ankle Mobilizations
Tibial IR Mobilizations.
For more questions on ankle impingements during squats, and you are experiencing pain, reach out to one of our physical therapists today. Contact us here.

August 21, 2018