6 Months After ACL Surgery. Cleared? Not So Fast.
When we meet an athlete about to have an ACL reconstruction, start working with someone who already had an ACL reconstruction, or work with someone preparing to return to their respective sport, it is common to hear the infamous “6 month” statement.
This statement typically consists of “At 6 months after ACL surgery, I’ll be cleared to go back to my sport” or “It’s 6 months, I’m Cleared.”
This is one of the most commonly heard statements after this type of surgery when working with athletes inside Cressey Sports Performance in Hudson, MA. Whether a professional athlete returning to sport at six months or a friend who had the same surgery and returned to playing after six months, we hear it all the time.
Very few, if any, athletes are ready to return to sport at six months. The amount of time it takes to regain range of motion, build sufficient strength, power, force absorption/production, complete a return to run the program, and eventually a customized and well-structured return to sport program is much greater than six months.
Multiple studies have found that athletes who return to sport nine months after ACL surgery have a very high risk of re-tearing their ACL.

These are just two studies of many that have found that athletes that return to their respective sport before the 9-month mark have a significantly higher chance of re-tearing than those who don’t.
So, what if you wait until nine months after ACL surgery? Then you should be fine to return to sport, right?
Not exactly. The nine months after ACL surgery should be a time that allows the athlete to regain full mobility, build sufficient strength, power, force absorption/production, and the necessary skills to return to sport.
Strength movements should include:
Hamstring Strengthening
Quadriceps Strengthening
Lateral Strength
Core Strength
Force Absorption
Sport Specific Drills
Power Work
In Closing: Why Returning to Sport 9 Months After ACL Surgery Is Recommended
This list above is not exhaustive of what an athlete returning from an ACL reconstruction should be doing. Rehab should consist of strengthening, power work, and force absorption/production, and it should be adjusted based on how the athlete is progressing at a particular point in time. Sport-specific training should emulate the types of movements to help prepare the athlete the best we can for return to sport.
Six months does not provide for that. Athletes should give themselves at least nine months after ACL surgery, if not more, to prepare themselves to return even stronger and better than before they got hurt.
If you have ACL surgery, have had it, or are trying to return to your sport, we are here to help. Take that first step with our Massachusetts physical therapists below to get started.

February 27, 2020