Are you experiencing elbow pain from playing sports, activities, or exercising? It is typically caused by overuse of your elbow. This pain is particularly true for any contact sports or sports with repetitive throwing or swinging that could put stress on your elbow, like tennis, baseball, or golf.
Want to address lingering elbow pain that is holding you back from the sports or activities you love to do? We list a few recommended exercises that should help reduce pain in your elbow.
Try These Exercises to Address Elbow Pain
The most common cause of elbow pain is overuse, which can occur from playing repetitive sports or activities. Often with elbow pain, there is a reduction in supination/pronation of the elbow, which will impact linear movements of flexion/extension.
If you're experiencing elbow pain, we suggest trying these two simple yet effective exercises that address supination/pronation.
Exercise 1
The first exercise in the video above is designed to improve supination/pronation and capacity.
Exercise 2
The second exercise in the video is called the “single arm bear hold”. This exercise is used to improve elbow extension and help drive their arm with their shoulder vs hyperextending their elbow.
In Closing: Addressing Elbow Pain
Most elbow injuries result in overuse or injury, caused by inflamed muscles connecting to your elbow bones. To reduce elbow pain, we recommend trying the exercises included above to address supination/pronation.
If you still experience elbow pain after trying these exercises, we encourage you to contact the team at Move Strong PT. We can address the issue by creating a personalized PT plan and addressing elbow pain through 1:1 care.
Reach out to our Massachusetts physical therapists to get started.

September 6, 2023